5 Senses Work Shop(CN/EN)
FitHearts & YiShi
Have you tried to DIY your own happiness? Immersive music vs fashion yoga work shop powered by FitHearts & YiShi, through our five senses to create your own happiness DNA!
Close our eyes to feel the light and the energy of our whole body;
Listen to the meditation Singing Bowl music, powered by sound healing artist Kimi, let the music to guide our breath and feel the vibration how to enhance our experiences;
Breath, connect to our brain’s olfactory nerves, improve our own creativity and our imagination; play with all the smell in the urban nature;
Discover ourselves better through the brain chemistry behind food tasting , will give you an immersive work shop to show you how to DIY our own recipe of happiness;
Follow YiShi’s yoga instructor to practice hip-opening yoga, release our inner stress in a gentle and joyful way, experiencing the pleasures of the body and mind through our parasympathetic nerves.

Contact Improsation Dance(EN)
Marceau Chenault
Contact Improvisation is an open-ended exploration of the kinaesthetic possibilities of bodies moving through contact. Sometimes wild and athletic, sometimes quiet and meditative, it is a form open to all bodies and enquiring minds.
Contact Improvisation‘s influence can be seen throughout modern and postmodern dance choreography, performance, and dance training worldwide.

Dreamwork in Art Therapy(CN)
Viviana Ni
Based on the theories of Freud and Jung, through the method of integrating dream analysis and Art Therapy. To understand more about your recent dream and the reflections from your previous dream. Why I have this type of dream, why the dream keeps rounding in my mind for so long? What is the meaning of the dream? Along with the guided imagery meditation and art therapy, dive into your subconsciousness, and then explore the underneath meaning of your dream with the guidance of art therapist in order to balance your body, mind and spirit.

Cleansing and Flourishing Ceremony(EN)
In our ordinary experience, we are overwhelmed by countless dualistic conceptions and perceptions. Every day we are attracted to pleasant objects and reject unpleasant ones. Expressed by a narrow idea of who we are, we spend time running after this and running away from it. As we have already seen, the deep-rooted habit of considering things in a dubious manner and of believing in that dualistic discrimination does not lead to anything other than to confusion and repeated disappointment.
But it is possible to cultivate a totally different view of reality. Fed up with the endless rat race, which is our compulsive cyclic existence, we can train in pervasive consciousness and cultivate a direct perception of how things really exist. This training has different phases, some eminently analytical and conceptual and others more direct and experimental.
The Benefit of the ceremony:
This Andean cleansing and flourishing ceremony is to remove negative energies and blocks which have accumulated from various sources over time. By freeing stuck or blocked paths, it allows us to expand our hearts in love, forgiveness, and everything important in our lives. It opens the way for us to be our true selves. It also serves to prepare us to enter to the ceremony of gratitude with purity of mind and spirit.

Empowerment through acting(EN)
Drago Lazetich
Develop fundamental acting skills to fully utilize self-expression and increase imagination with conscious and physical techniques. The mind, emotions and body work in unison during action-reaction responses and allows natural impulses to come into play. Interacting with others is about being present, hearing, listening and sensing to fully appreciate the moment.
The Lazetich System is fun, eventful, and mindful as a fully conscious process. Through experimenting, experiencing and exploring performance activity such as theater games, Meisner Techniques, improvisation, mirror work, emotional reflection, pantomiming alongside basic martial arts, body movement awareness and scene studies.
While consciously enacting character play and self-expression, self-development occurs so the acting workshop benefits everyone. It encourages memories, experiences and trigger responses so this increases self awareness as well as an outlet and encourage confidence while guided by the instructor.

Sound & Movement Meditations(CN/EN)
Josephine Ong
Designed to awaken and enhance the natural healing mechanism in your body, these workshops will help you discover the inner intelligence within our physical bodies, thus affecting positive changes in our mental and emotional bodies along the process.
Inspired by the wisdom from Yoga, Intuitive Bodywork ©, Feldenkrais, Sound Therapy, Mindfulness, Meditation and Energy Healing, it is a creative exploration of practices fully engaging the Mind, Body and Heart.
Utilizing the physical body as a vessel of energy and transmutation, we also learn to view it as a barometer of our state mind and harness this quality for emotional balancing. Here is an opportunity to experiment and witness revealing insights through a practice that flows between opposite polarities: the interplay of Yin and Yang energies, the contrast between movement and stillness, appreciating organic versus mechanic qualities and its effects upon the self. As we gently tap into the subtle energy presence within ourselves, spontaneous meditation and deep healing is merely a natural phenomenon to savour.
By simply creating space, awareness and allowing the power of effortless-ness to flow through, we assist this innate ability within ourselves to be relaxed, healed and empowered. Come learn easy and efficient holistic modalities that could become powerful healing tools on your journey to empowerment.
Due to the gentle and restorative nature of these workshops, those with injuries or suffering from ailments are highly encouraged to learn these methods to heal themselves. This workshop is suitable for anyone who is interested in discovering, healing and empowering the Mind, Body and Heart to enhance general wellbeing, keen about Meditation and Mindfulness to deepen their practice. It is also suitable for the physically active who wishes to enhance sports performance by increasing endurance and flexibility, assisting recovery and reducing inflammation.
No prior experience is needed, just an openness to learn. Please do inform the instructor if you have specific health conditions or injuries that may require special care and attention.
In preparation for your training:-
1. Avoid eating a heavy meal before class
2. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows easy and free movement
3. Remove shoes, all jewelry, watches and belts
4. Phones on silent or airplane mode
5. Drink plenty of water to help the detoxification process
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Spiritual Sound Journey(CN/EN)
Josephine Ong
SSJ (Spiritual Sound Journey) is a unique, meditative journey of the senses especially focusing on sounds and vibrations. Created by Shantih Shala Holistic Arts since 2013, its characteristic trademarks are practices of SBM (Sound/Breath/Movement), Meditation, Sound Therapy accompanied by live music and sounds, creating a deeply grounding process.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Energy Calligraphy(CN/EN)
Ricky Wei
Chinese calligraphy is unique in that it is a visual representation or manifestation of qi. When viewing a piece of calligraphy, it is not only the arrangement of brush strokes that determines its artistic value. It is also the display of suppleness and strength (yin/yang) and the vital energy or qi that the artist has transferred into the art which makes it unique. Join Ricky as he demonstrates his expression of energy calligraphy as he receives energetic information from you and express the message in the form of calligraphy.
Ricky Vilas, a contemporary energy calligraphy artist. His childhood was deeply immersed in the world of ink and Chinese calligraphy under his father’s influence. Later, he developed his career as a human sculpture artist. To him, “Life is an endless process of self- discovery”. He styles himself “Quanlligrapher”, signifying the being of quantum mind in his calligraphy. Selfless soul, soundless voice. He seeks to capture the clearance of inner voice of his contemporaries through his ego-less self. Ricky is a grade-one calligrapher in China. His works has been collected by collectors.

Vibrance: The Spontaneous Heart(CN/EN)
Ellen Watson
The spontaneous heart is one that knows how to love and be loved. Vibrance’s map is a guide to how our emotional energy moves and morphs. In this practice we embody the art of being a fluid emotional athlete. This map teaches us how to navigate the emotional terrain of life without getting stuck, holding on, or pushing away. We will explore how the body has been shaped by our emotions, tracking when the heart is open and when it is closed. Vibrance’s Sound & Song practices allow us to fully contact, enter, explore and express our feelings and emotions through creative & expressive art.

The Power of Sound(EN)
Francois Marie Dru
Explore the power of sound through theory and practice. This workshop allow a better understanding of the therapeutic virtues of the sound through concrete tools of personal development: breathing techniques, sound meditations, therapeutic singing, sound bath, harmonizing concert.
Examples of themes and practices discussed:
Sound meditations, yoga of sound, mantras, harmonizing concert, overtone singing, the power of harmonics, cymatics (making sound visible), musicology, the power of musical intervals, sacred geometry in music, the basics of traditional Chinese medecine music, bio-resonance, modes and musical intervals and their effects, breath work (pranayama), power of silence, power of intention, heart coherence, sound and DNA, sound and cells, waves and consciousness. Relationship between sound and the vibration of nature, relationship between musical harmonics and astrophysics, relationship between vibration and water.
Whether you are a musician or not, we also learn to play intuitive instruments: Tibetan bowls, monochord, gong and to give care with vibrations.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Punnu Wasu
Punnu Singh Wasu and his musician friends will take you on an amazing and ecstatic journey with various Indian music flavours. Enjoy a combination of Kirtan, Bollywood beats, modern music & much more.
Punnu’s musical style is a mix of East meets West – Indian Fusion. The concerts he leads often build from a slow, meditative tempo to a high paced catharsis. He has a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener and it is common for his audiences to clap their hands or stand up and dance during his concerts.

Kirtan Chanting Circle(EN)
Kevin James Carroll
Kirtan is a way of call-and-response chanting, it roots deeply in Vedic tradition and Indian culture. It plays a major role in the practice of Bhakti Yoga. With the singing of ancient Sanskrit mantras, the process of Kirtan helps us to “connect”, calm the mind, remove mental obstacles and carry us effortlessly to a place of open heart and inner stillness.
Kirtan is not a show, but an engaging musical and meditative process where there is no distinction between musicians and audience.

Voice Liberation Workshop(EN)
Suntara – Daniel Coates
Are you scared to use your voice for singing or just for speaking up in life? In this workshop, we dive deep to clear the blocks that are stopping you from using your voice to it’s full potential. Suntara – Daniel Coates holds a safe and lighthearted space or you to express your voice.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Brain Art: Come Paint with Your Brian(EN)
Grace NG
Ever dream of telepathy? When your friend or computer reads your mind and just knows what you want to do next without you having to say it? Grace Ng has been creating art at the intersection of neuroscience and technology to explore a world in which our minds directly communicate with machines. It’s not too far off, but what does this mean for our future, both as creators and as a society? Learn about the latest advancements in brain-machine interfaces, Grace’s artistic approach to elevate societal consciousness and bring neuroscience to more people, and how you can get involved with her projects. This session includes an interactive experience where you can paint with your brain!

Ecstatic Dance (CN/EN)
Ecstatic Dance is a freeform dance meditation sponsored monthly in Shanghai and weekly in Beijing by Fractal Change. The purpose of Ecstatic Dance is to grow a community of healthy, empowered people in which everyone can discover, unleash, and enhance their individual potential to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.
At Ecstatic Dance, the dance space is a place of respect and safety where participants can move freely and join together to create a safe and sacred space for movement.

Play is the best language between parents and kids. Through role-playing, body movement and sounds in drama, we improve our playability, learn connecting with people via non-verbal approach. Why and how dramatic play can benefit parent-child relationship. Play is also good for parents who are under pressure and help them to support each other. You will find play is in our instinct and fundamental needs, and it can empower very well the adults.