Active Consciousness Meditation (Breathwork)(EN)
Punnu Wasu
Active Consciousness Meditation is an ancient and very powerful chakra clearing meditation. This practice involves a blend of rhythmic fast breathing and meditation on the seven main chakras. The process cleanses the energy channels, washes out hidden emotions, blockages, and/or old hurts and activates the chakras, which raise your level of consciousness. This makes your body blissful and results in a feeling of wholeness.

East Forest
East Forest began in ceremony, and “East Forest Ceremony” is a creative experiment that uses concert and ritual to explore our inner consciousness. Ceremony is ancient technology that manifests through simplicity and beauty. It is something we can easily integrate into our daily lives as it offers a doorway of choice and healing into the deeper layers of our minds and hearts.

TransLucent Dancing Forward the Wisdom of the Past(EN)
Gary Joplin
A Movement-Based Workshop with Gary Joplin
By connecting to the energy of those who came before us and allowing this energy to breathe and move through us, we will explore the possibility of bringing frozen pockets of energy within our family system back into motion, allowing these energies to complete their course, and thereby creating more freedom and joy in our lives.
Utilizing current impulses from the field of emotional epigenetics and his own uniquely deep and playful movement methods, Gary offers you the chance to:
•Experience more freedom, joy and grounding in your body through flowing, effortless movement
•See the relationship to your own family structure from a new perspective
•Connect to the hidden potential and resources that are already part of the intelligence running through your family line
[By Appointments Only] Include one-day pass to AT ONE International Festival – RMB 500 per person

Dhyana – Understanding Meditation(EN)
Dr Dhanraj G Shetty
Dhyana is the most precious gift of yoga to humanity. Just like any other profound science, over the years this valuable aspect of yoga has seen it all – ups and downs. All words like meditation, concentration, etc that are used to define this does not convey the true essence of Dhyana. This meditation workshop is an attempt to describe or understand the indescribable. We welcome an interactive audience with lots of questions for better clarity of Dhyana, the so-called meditation!

Mukara and Gary Joplin
Imagine having enough Energy and Focus to accomplish all your “Must Do” tasks at home and at work…..
Imagine being able to Recover easily and swiftly when situations overwhelm you….
Imagine having a Life that supports you to be your Best Self in all parts of your world….
In the workshop offered by Mukara and Gary we will introduce scientifically based tools for establishing and sustaining HIGH PERFORMANCE and RESILIENCY.
Offered in a relaxed, experiential and playful way, we teach the power of BREATH, MOVEMENT, SOUND, and RELATIONSHIP.
Equipped with these tools, you will be able to meet any situation with unconditional confidence and offer your gifts to the world. We hope to see you in the class!
[By Appointments Only] Include one-day pass to AT ONE International Festival – RMB 500 per person

Emotional Release Breathwork(EN)
Shreni Shukla
of yoga, meditation and breathing to allow access to your inner self. By using this special method, you can experience a powerful expression of emotions, and work through them. Heal your trauma and let go of negative emotions. Create more space for joy, love, and connection.

Energy Healing(EN)
Deepak Barthwal
Energy healing treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feeling of peace, security and wellbeing.

Meditation not Medication(EN)
Scoot Bauer
Finding inner contentment thru self study, effort and trust.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Meditation not Medication Part 2(EN)
Scoot Bauer
Body, Mind & Spirit in nueroplasticity
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Power of Decluttering(CN/EN)
Sophie Tsuei
Letting go is a mindful practice of observing consciously what we desire and what don’t serve us. This workshop will lead you to practice the art of letting go and decluttering & welcoming true abundance with Sophie’s first handed experiences.

Huang Qian
Welcome to the 《ONENESS》,A brand-new series of chinese traditional culture courses with world-wide view and easy to get the real and profound chinese wisdom.It is an unique and unprecedented presentation focusing on the ancient grand wisdom learning, experiencing and spreading, instead of courage on learning a specific technique ,we underline bridging a new way to build better communications between East and West, a new way to create a common understanding of the universe,a new way to achieve much greater vista for mankind.

Pranayama, Power of Breath(EN)
Fela Adebiyi
The power of breath
During this workshop you will learn how to manipulate the breath to adjust, in varying degrees, your relationship to yourself. We will focusses on how breath can help reduce stress and aid relaxation, and how breath can be used to create energy.
“When the breath wanders, the mind is also unsteady, but when the breath is calmed, the mind too will be still.” – Hatha Yoga Pradipika

The History of Human Potential & Purpose(EN)
Richard Ayling
We are in the richest, most abundant phase of human history, and yet we know the developed world is also witnessing record levels of sickness and unhappiness.
At the same time, there is an exploding trend to realise our individual growth and potential – a curiosity of what we are really capable of and here to do.
But we’re also finding that without knowing where to look, the big question of purpose is actually very hard to answer.
This talk is aimed at informing and inspiring, and offers a clear vision of how we can move forward as individuals, and collectively.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Belly to Belly Breathwork(EN)
Michael Hallock
Belly to Belly Breathing is a breathing meditation which helps clear the mind and relieve stress. When we synchronise our breathing with others we can experience dropping into presence and connection with each other.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Emotional Breathing Process(EN)
The Emotional Breathing Process is a substance-free approach to interpersonal therapy that uses the effects of altered breathing rhythms to influence an individual’s mind-body connection. Harnessing the profound physiological mechanisms that are within everyone’s grasp but rarely experienced, the Emotional Breathing Process provides individuals the opportunity to release conscious and sub-conscious tension deeply rooted within their bodies and minds including past experiences and traumas. Siberian shamans have practiced similar breath techniques for centuries in order to achieve a deeper sense of self-knowledge and enlightenment, however the benefits of the experience are obtainable by all that practice this unique form of therapy under the guidance of a trained practitioner.
Fractal Change’s Emotional Breathing Process allows each participant to both privately and collectively experience a deeper connection with themselves in an emotionally safe/judgement free environment. It is during this breathing journey that an altered state of consciousness can be experienced allowing one’s inner wisdom to take control over the usually dominant ego-conscious state. Emotional breathing is a profoundly powerful tool for healing with the ultimate goal being to enhance an individual’s level of peace and freedom.

Step into the Flow of Your Life (CN/EN)
Lynn Light
Lynn will lead meditation and light breathwork to bring us into not only the present moment, but also a moment when a fear maybe keeping us from our greatest abundance. Also explaining the use of rituals and repetition to redirect the mind to positive thinking.