Authentic Relating(CN/EN)
Marie Pierre Gay
Did you say yes when you really mean no? This is a workshop that will bring you deeply connected to your authentic self expression through simple & sensual practices. Be true to yourself. Be true to others.

Intro to BodyTalk (EN)
Sufen Paphassarang
BodyTalk is a comprehensive system of non-invasive techniques designed to re-establish healthy communication within the body systems. It incorporates state-of-the-art science and philosophy to help the body unlearn the habits, beliefs, biochemical pathways and postural patterns that are restricting the healthy functioning of the body and mind. Understanding the body and mind consciousness, allows for changes to health to be implemented through a simple technique of tapping.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

BodyTalk Group Session (EN)
Sufen Paphassarang
BodyTalk Group Sessions are a great opportunity for healing as an individual in a group setting. The presence of the group increases the number of observers and therefore increase the impact of the session. The increased understanding of the group amplifies the possibility for a shift in consciousness or perception for not just the person receiving the treatment but everyone in the group who has observed the session.
[By Appointments Only] Included one-day pass to AT ONE International Festival – RMB 800 per person

One Minute People Reading, Find Career Partners(CN/EN)
Anne Wang
More and more people want to start their own business. However, how to find the suitable parnters, how to select good investers, how to choose the reliable team members? One Minute People Reading will show you that in one minute eye gazing to identify the suitable candidates who can work with you.

Compassionate Communication(EN)
Michael Hallock
Communication in close relationships can be challenging when we feel defensive or triggered.
Empathy is the key. When we make a choice to understand and care about the other’s feelings and needs, we take a step towards connection and harmony with that person. When we can express our own feelings and needs openly without judgement or blame, our vulnerability can open their heart to us as well. In this session we will experiment with some basic premises Compassionate Communication (a.k.a Non-Violent Communication) that can help us to transform our relationships.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Create financial and time freedom by applying Quantum physics (CN)
Maggie Wu
Dare To Dream, To Do, To Experience, To Try, To Fail, To Learn, Never settle for less
I will share my T journey of spiritual awakening: (knowledge + Experience = Wisdom)
T (Rat Race)(T type professional, Slash),一 is width ,I is depth. I made the company I work for profitable, and made myself miserable. When I was in the Rat Race, I was one of the most competitive Rats. BTW, I was even born on the year of RAT.
One thing I am sure, I want to taste the variety of what life could offer. (T for Variety)
Take the leap of Faith, build the wing along the way, and then the net will appear.
Travel (Thrill-seeking adventures and deep observation of Humanity from all races, nationalities and cultures)
Training ( I have the access to world renowned and world class Life Mentors and Spiritual Gurus and teachers.)
Therapy (From Self-healing journey to Healing others, from an Energy Healer to a Life coach)
Transformation (Years of sharpening my skills and practicing , accumulating knowledge and experience , Transformation in all areas of life start to emerge, a renewed and awakened self is born)
Truth (after discovering the truth of LIFE, I start to spread out the TRUTH via all forms of Media, Video, Podcast, Articles, Workshops, Speeches, Interviews )
I become a Teacher, who teach about the Truth of Human, we are supernatural beings, We are consciousness. We are infinite, multi-dimensional beings. We are all spiritual beings chosen to take this physical form on earth to have this limiting human experience. We are here to taste the duality. First, We forget who we really are.
Triumph (Triumphant in trinity )( body mind and spirit )
Transcendence (Super consciousness, The unity as one, the mystery of Higher Consciousness)