Active Consciousness Meditation (Breathwork)(EN)
Punnu Wasu
Active Consciousness Meditation is an ancient and very powerful chakra clearing meditation. This practice involves a blend of rhythmic fast breathing and meditation on the seven main chakras. The process cleanses the energy channels, washes out hidden emotions, blockages, and/or old hurts and activates the chakras, which raise your level of consciousness. This makes your body blissful and results in a feeling of wholeness.

Asana – Yoga postures(EN)
Dr Dhanraj G Shetty
Stretch, twist, balance, bend… Welcome to yoga postures. Take the first step towards awareness, start your inner journey through body awareness and experience the healing benefits of body mind coordination.

Qi Dance(EN)
Marceau Chenault
Qi Dance performances and workshops explore a way to move between traditional and contemporary movement expressions, from inner pulsation to collective vibrations.

TransLucent Dancing Forward the Wisdom of the Past(EN)
Gary Joplin
A Movement-Based Workshop with Gary Joplin
By connecting to the energy of those who came before us and allowing this energy to breathe and move through us, we will explore the possibility of bringing frozen pockets of energy within our family system back into motion, allowing these energies to complete their course, and thereby creating more freedom and joy in our lives.
Utilizing current impulses from the field of emotional epigenetics and his own uniquely deep and playful movement methods, Gary offers you the chance to:
• Experience more freedom, joy and grounding in your body through flowing, effortless movement
• See the relationship to your own family structure from a new perspective
• Connect to the hidden potential and resources that are already part of the intelligence running through your family line
[By Appointments Only] Included one-day pass to AT ONE International Festival – RMB 500 per person

Sayuri Tanaka
RAW FOOD INTRO – “Healthy and quick brunch without dehydrator”-Talk on: what is & why raw food, equipment & tools for raw, why soaking, tips for starting raw living life style, superfoods
Demonstration & tasting on : nut milk, chia porridge, pasta marinara, zucchini pasta, raw-mesan, yogi’ s must- energy ball

Belly to Belly Breathwork(EN)
Michael Hallock
Belly to Belly Breathing is a breathing meditation which helps clear the mind and relieve stress. When we synchronise our breathing with others we can experience dropping into presence and connection with each other.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

The Power of Sound(EN)
Francois Marie Dru
Explore the power of sound through theory and practice. This workshop allow a better understanding of the therapeutic virtues of the sound through concrete tools of personal development: breathing techniques, sound meditations, therapeutic singing, sound bath, harmonizing concert.
Examples of themes and practices discussed:
Sound meditations, yoga of sound, mantras, harmonizing concert, overtone singing, the power of harmonics, cymatics (making sound visible), musicology, the power of musical intervals, sacred geometry in music, the basics of traditional Chinese medecine music, bio-resonance, modes and musical intervals and their effects, breath work (pranayama), power of silence, power of intention, heart coherence, sound and DNA, sound and cells, waves and consciousness. Relationship between sound and the vibration of nature, relationship between musical harmonics and astrophysics, relationship between vibration and water.
Whether you are a musician or not, we also learn to play intuitive instruments: Tibetan bowls, monochord, gong and to give care with vibrations.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Intro to Esalen Massage (EN)
Jingni Wang
Esalen Massage was born in the 1960’s, at Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California. It is famous for its long flowing strokes, which melt away client’s tension and stress. Esalen Massage gives the receiver a feeling of connection, of oneness and deep relaxation, thus activate the self-healing process. Human beings are born to enjoy touching and massage. Through nourishing touch, long strokes create connection to both the body & mind. Meditatively, Esalen Massage can give the receiver a deep healing experience. In the class, we will open our senses, awaken our subtle sensing abilities in our hands, build connection with people in class. With the teacher’s guidance, we heighten our senses, and develop the ability to listen with our hands and use touching as a channel to communicate and connect non verbally.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Yoga Therapies: A Path to Meditative Movement and Finding Your Purpose in Life(EN)
Sebastian Bruno
Yoga extends far deeper than a wonderful exercise system which can keep you healthy and happy. ThaiVedic focuses on bringing the deep inner practices of yoga and meditation to the modern world. These incredible yogic powers can rewire our brains; setting us up for lasting peace, joy and purposeful lives. In whatever way we follow Yogic practices, whether meditating for mental peace or just exercising for fitness, in time we become happier and lessen the suffering in the world around us.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Soul Flow(EN)
Marisa Radha Weppner & East Forest
Realign with your highest self – peaceful, grounded and clear. We will move together at one in a slow flow yoga class led by Marisa Radha Weppner before settling into a guided sound meditation by East Forest.

East Forest
East Forest began in ceremony, and “East Forest Ceremony” is a creative experiment that uses concert and ritual to explore our inner consciousness.
Ceremony is ancient technology that manifests through simplicity and beauty. It is something we can easily integrate into our daily lives as it offers a doorway of choice and healing into the deeper layers of our minds and hearts.
As we will dive into this sacred space together we are making room to hear our own intuitive voice. By clearing away the inner and outer noise, we can choose to plant intuitive seeds finding change from the inside out.

Dhyana – Understanding Meditation(EN)
Dr Dhanraj G Shetty
Dhyana is the most precious gift of yoga to humanity. Just like any other profound science, over the years this valuable aspect of yoga has seen it all – ups and downs. All words like meditation, concentration, etc that are used to define this does not convey the true essence of Dhyana. This meditation workshop is an attempt to describe or understand the indescribable. We welcome an interactive audience with lots of questions for better clarity of Dhyana, the so-called meditation!

Energy Healing (EN)
Deepak Barthwal
Energy healing treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feeling of peace, security and wellbeing.

Contact Improsation Dance (EN)
Marceau Chenault
Contact Improvisation is an open-ended exploration of the kinaesthetic possibilities of bodies moving through contact. Sometimes wild and athletic, sometimes quiet and meditative, it is a form open to all bodies and enquiring minds.
Contact Improvisation‘s influence can be seen throughout modern and postmodern dance choreography, performance, and dance training worldwide.

Healthy peek into ancient Quantum Sciences(EN)
Dr Dhanraj G Shetty
It is funny that despite tremendous advancement in the medical field, it is difficult to define or understand health. Maybe it is not a healthy business option as lots of money has gone into diseases rather than health. Let us understand health and ways to become healthy through ancient Quantum sciences like Ayurveda, Yoga, Upanishads, Gita, etc. We welcome an interactive audience with lots of questions for better clarity of health and how to be healthy.

Homeschooling and Natural Learning(EN)
the Coates Ramirez Family
The Coates Ramirez family talk about their experiences travelling the world as a family and embracing alternative methods of education such as “Homeschooling”.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Kirtan Chanting Circle(EN)
Kevin James Carroll
The Songs and mantras of Kevin James are an invitation to co-create a deep connection to the heart and a positive healing vibration for oneself and the world.Mantras, Heartsongs and Flute meditation with Kevin James. Mantras & Heartsongs, the alchemy of sound. Feeling of Oneness Arising of Happiness Cultivating Awareness. Dive deep into your heart through the power of mantra and heartsongs. Kevin James invites you to open your voice and heart as he leads to a place of no leader. His words and stories gently remind us of that which we may have forgotten with our busy minds. Song by song, we chant our way back to our infinite self which dwells in the silence. A place of fulfillment and connectedness, that we can only call home.

Punnu Wasu
Punnu Singh Wasu and his musician friends will take you on an amazing and ecstatic journey with various Indian music flavours. Enjoy a combination of Kirtan, Bollywood beats, modern music & much more.
Punnu’s musical style is a mix of East meets West – Indian Fusion. The concerts he leads often build from a slow, meditative tempo to a high paced catharsis. He has a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener and it is common for his audiences to clap their hands or stand up and dance during his concerts.

Kirtan: Song of the Heart(CN/EN)
Naam Kirtan
Kirtan is a way of call-and-response chanting, it roots deeply in Vedic tradition and Indian culture. It plays a major role in the practice of Bhakti Yoga. With the singing of ancient Sanskrit mantras, the process of Kirtan helps us to “connect”, calm the mind, remove mental obstacles and carry us effortlessly to a place of open heart and inner stillness.
Kirtan is not a show, but an engaging musical and meditative process where there is no distinction between musicians and audience.

Healing Dance Group Therapy(CN/EN)
Michael Hallock
Healing Dance Water Therapy is a physical and mental therapy where you glide and stretch in warm water with the support of the healer. The seamless movements unhinge tight muscles, stimulate the nervous system, and realign the body taking you to a place of deep relaxation.
When you relax into the water letting it envelop you in a warm embrace, its as though you return to your first state of existence in your mother’s womb.
As you are rocked back and forth gently on the surface, your mental and physical restraints unwind and are rocked away with it; flooding your body with warmth and contentment.
[By Appointments Only] Included one-day pass to AT ONE International Festival – RMB 500 per person

Embodiment (EN)
Gary Joplin
How do we begin to awaken those parts of ourselves that lie dormant within us and bring them forward into our consciousness?
Awakening the vibrant body within is an opportunity to experience subtle aspects of our somatic experience in a higher intensity and resolution than we may normally allow ourselves. It gives us the chance to acknowledge and include these impulses in a more integrated response to the world around us. It is an invitation to deepen the connection between our physical, mental and emotional bodies. Harmonious movement sequences and conscious breathing patterns are combined in a playful and intuitive way which produces feelings of both grounding and openness.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Thai Massage: A Path to Reconnection with People and Sharing Healing Touch(EN)
Sebastian Bruno
More than ever our societies seem to be losing their community roots and ability to sustain meaningful connections. Science is now confirming that loving touch is essential for our lives and promotes healing, empathy, and compassion for ourselves and others. ThaiVedic embraces the wisdom of Thai Massage as not only a powerful healing system but also a way to bring people together in a circle and share in community and connection.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Gyrokinesis® (EN)
Gary Joplin
For Gary Joplin – the body is the central focus of his work. Gary leads workshops in Europe, Israel, China and the USA in body – mind awareness and development. His work cultivates the synchronization of the physical body with the subtle and emotional bodies in a creative way.
He is a faculty member of the School of Life School for Life Therapists in Amsterdam, as well as a visiting instructor for embodiment in the Linguistics Department at Freiburg University. He is also a main assistant of the teacher Thomas Hübl, and supports his work at various workshops in Europe, China and Israel, and as a member of the team for the European Timeless Wisdom Trainings at the Academy for Inner Science.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Pranayama, Power of Breath(EN)
Fela Adebiyi
The power of breath
During this workshop you will learn how to manipulate the breath to adjust, in varying degrees, your relationship to yourself. We will focusses on how breath can help reduce stress and aid relaxation, and how breath can be used to create energy.
“When the breath wanders, the mind is also unsteady, but when the breath is calmed, the mind too will be still.” – Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Wim Hof Method Breathwork(EN)
Richard Ayling
Wim Hof, also known as ‘The Iceman’, is a Dutch daredevil who currently holds 26 world records, including one for sitting in ice for over 2 hours without his core body temperature dropping. He has pioneered a revolutionary new method through which we can now
consciously control our own immune system via three pillars: breath work, cold exposure and mindset. Backed by scientific research and with scientists queuing up to do more, the health benefits have huge implications for the future of medicine, self-healing and our wellbeing.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Suntara Sound Healing Journey(EN)
Suntara – Daniel Coates
Get ready to be moved by Sound. Suntara delivers a magical musical experience that with transport you to another dimension” Weaving together “other-worldly” vocals and a myriad of healing instruments, Suntara will take you on a musical healing journey into the depths of your soul.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Voice Liberation Workshop(EN)
Suntara – Daniel Coates
Are you scared to use your voice for singing or just for speaking up in life? In this workshop, we dive deep to clear the blocks that are stopping you from using your voice to it’s full potential. Suntara – Daniel Coates holds a safe and lighthearted space or you to express your voice.
[Public Sessions] Included in the purchase of AT ONE International Festival Ticket

Breathwork (EN)
Dr Dhanraj G Shetty
Breath is a bridge between the mind and the body. This session is designed to improve our quality of breathing leading to calmer mind, reduced stress and better health.